Monday, 12 September 2022
Jia Yaw participated in the 2-day forum where regional leaders discussed key topics like post-pandemic recovery, ASEAN centrality, digitalisation and sustainable development.
The Forum was organised by the KSI Strategic Institute for Asia Pacific and various other partners.
Cambodian Prime Minister, Samdech Techo Hun Sen delivered the opening keynote address. At the Forum dinner and awards presentation, our Minister of Plantation, Industries and Commodities, Datuk Zuraida Kamaruddin, delivered the special address.
The 2-day Forum was packed with keynotes and panel sessions. Jia Yaw participated as the co-chair of the Malaysian CSO-SDG Alliance, thanks to the sponsorship of the KSI Institute.
Jia Yaw was on the panel entitled "Promoting entrepreneurship, social enterprises and sustainable development". He spoke on how Malaysia localise the SDGs through the parliamentary platform of the APPGM-SDG (All-Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia on the Sustainable Development Goals), supported by the Malaysian CSO-SDG Alliance. With 8 panelists from 7 different countries, the session was very engaging, deftly moderated by Dato' Wei Chuan Beng.
Watch Jia Yaw explain the work of the APPGM-SDG and Malaysian CSO-SDG Alliance in under 4.5 minutes in this video recording of the panel discussion.