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ISIS Malaysia x APPGM-SDG | SDG Policy Roundtable 2022

Friday, 4 November 2022

A 3-day series of multi-stakeholder roundtable discussions to dissect ground policy issues related to SDGs at the parliamentarian level

On 2-4 November 2022, ISIS Malaysia and the Society for the Promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals (the secretariat of the All-Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia on the SDGs), co-organised a 3-day series of roundtable discussions to dissect ground policy issues related to SDGs at the parliamentarian level.

The roundtable convened various stakeholders including members of parliament, key experts, government officials, international organisations and civil society representatives.

Using the SDG research findings at the parliamentarian level that have been undertaken since 2020 (by the APPGM-SDG, ISIS Malaysia and other partners) as a basis and starting point, the roundtable discussions (RTD) delved into policy issues related to the SDGs at the local level and the policy implications.

Five RTDs were convened as follows -

i. poverty and imbalanced development

ii. flood risk management and climate change

iii. gender mainstreaming and welfare and rights of single mothers

iv. refugees, migrants and stateless rights

v. food security and agrofood supply chain

Lavanya Iyer moderated the flood and climate change RTD. (Picture above: Dr. Salmah Zakaria from the Academy of Sciences Malaysia providing her interventions on flood management.)

The RTDs benefited from the attendance of many civil servant leaders from various ministries. (Picture above: En. Che Kodir, who leads the Economic, Environment and Natural Resources Division of the Economic Planning Unit in the Prime Minister's Department, sharing his inputs.)

Jia Yaw participated in the RTD on flood and climate change and moderated the RTD on refugees, migrants and stateless rights on Day 2.

Ms. Karima El Korri, United Nations Resident Coordinator for Malaysia provided the closing remarks at the conclusion of the 5 RTDs.

The views from the RTDs will be used to formulate policy briefs for strategic papers.


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