Friday, 2 July 2021
Jia Yaw shared about how to get started on a human rights policy for business organisations.
A webinar organised by the Business Council on Sustainable Development Malaysia in partnership with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute, with the following speakers:
~ Roberto Benetello, Executive Director of BCSD Malaysia
~ Dr. Radu Mares, Acting Research Director, Head of Economic Globalisation and Human Rights Thematic Area at Raoul Wallenberg Institute
~ Sabrina Genter, Partner at Environmental Resources Management (ERM)
~ Kiu Jia Yaw, Co-Deputy Chair at the Bar Council Environment & Climate Change Committee
~ Nurul Hasanah Ahamed Hassain Malim, Head of Group Sustainability at FGV Holdings
Moderator: Victor Bernard, Programme Officer Regional Asia and the Pacific Programme at Raoul Wallenberg Institute
Amidst a global pandemic and an increased drive for sustainability across the globe, it is becoming increasingly vital for companies to align their operations with sustainable initiatives in response to escalating global demand for corporate responsibility. The path to economic recovery post COVID-19, and longevity, will require businesses to take a good look at their approach to human rights and environmental sustainability if they are to remain relevant and compliant to both local and global regulations.
To do so, a better understanding of human rights compliance in the context of company risk management needs to be developed, especially in relation to key export markets and where companies stand in comparison to global standards. Responsible business conduct is ever more important, especially when it comes to mitigating risks and avoiding complicity in labour rights issues as a result of non-compliance.
This online session focuses on sharing knowledge and tools on improving supply chain compliance in the context of human rights and the environment and serves as a follow-up to our previous "Business for Human Rights and the Environment" webinar.
It comprises two segments; the first segment will be a series of presentations by invited speakers to share on topics of their expertise related to the focus of improving supply chain compliance. The second segment is a panel discussion between the speakers, which will be moderated, and invites the speakers to share further thoughts, experiences, and lessons on the topic.