Friday, 11 October 2024
Jia Yaw was invited to moderate a panel discussion on upholding climate justice for the future of youths in Malaysia.
UNICEF Malaysia, together with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability (NRES) and GIZ, hosted the Youth Climate Adaptation Forum at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. The Forum aims to mobilise youth action against climate change, especially to provide a platform for young people to voice their views and concerns to safeguard their current and future needs.

The Forum also demonstrates that youth-led initiatives are key to shaping a climate-just future which is inclusive and fair. In the short term, to enable Malaysian youths to contribute in developing the Malaysian National Adaptation Plan (MyNAP).
Minister of NRES, YB Nik Nazmi, was present during the opening ceremony and for a Fireside Chat. There were several scene setting panels discussing the overview of climate change in Malaysia and how it impacts young people.

Jia Yaw, in his capacity as Chairperson of the Bar Council Environment & Climate Change Committee, moderated Panel Discussion 2 – Ensuring a Safe and Climate-Just Future with these panellists:
Dr. Gary William Theseira (Climate Governance Malaysia)
Eqram Mustaqeem (Third World Network)
Aroe Ajoeni (Klima Action Malaysia)